Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Day 3

Today started with a trip to the Caen Memorial Museum. There was lots of info about the World Wars. We then travelled to Juno Beach, where we ate our lunch whilst imagining the Canadian soldiers storming the beach. The Canadian museum was fantastic. We learned about what it was like for the Canadian soldiers on D-Day.
After that we went to Pegasus Bridge where Major Howard and 28 soldiers surprised the Germans and captured and held the bridge. We also saw the Cafe Gondree which was closed.
We visited a carrefour to buy drinks and to get some chocolate to cheer up Mrs Bensly who had very little sleep and was super grumpy.
After dinner we had a talent show and disco. Tiah sang a BEAUTIFUL song, while Lauren entertained us with her crazy antics.


  1. I hope Mrs Bensley gets a better nights sleep! Lots of chocolate to eat if not! Still thinking about you all, Mrs Herod, xx

  2. Well done Tiah! very proud of you ! hope everyone is having a wonderful time! we miss you muchies! love mummy, ryan and elly x

  3. Lol I loved it all I don't have a favrite the only thing I did not like was the peg bridge


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