Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Day 2

After a delicious breakfast of croissants, yoghurt, cereal and fruit, we are now on our way to Caen to see some museums. Au revoir!


  1. Have a lovely day, everybody! Missing you!!

  2. Have a great day everyone.

  3. have a lovely fun packed day :) hope the weather is better for you its miserable here again :(

  4. have a lovely day,big hugs to luke from his mum :) x

  5. hope your all having fun, please send taylor a kiss from his mum xx

  6. yum yum yum breakfast sounded great. Please say hello to all the children for me and tell them school is soooooooo quiet without them. lol lol lol
    Tracy doerr xxxxx

  7. Hope you have had a great day. Thinking about you all, from Oriel Class, Dawn and Mrs Herod,


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